Faculty of Economic Studies & Political Science

    Dr. Hesham Gaber meets President of Gamal Abdel-Naser University in Guinea



    Dr. Hesham Gaber, AU vice-president for Education and Students Affairs has met the President of Gamal Abdel-Naser University in Guinea in presence of the Guinean ambassador in Cairo Sorbia Kamarah. The meeting came within the visit AlexandriaUniversity delegation to the Guinean university.

    The meeting agenda covered the Guinean side requirements in fields of education, training, scientific research, students exchange and information technology.

    The sides discussed the cooperation between Medicine faculties to qualify teaching staff through training courses to be held via webinars using the project of Pan-Africa satellites. Also a discussion took place on accepting students in the French program in AU Faculty of Medicine and providing training and study grants for graduate level in clinical specializations.

    In the engineering field, AU delegation consisted of Dr. Ibrahim Rehab the university Advisor for African affairs, Dr. Ahmed Othman the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dr. Abdel Aziz Qonswa the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering reviewed cooperation chances between faculties of Engineering in both universities in various specializations. They also presented the vision of developing curriculum of Master's degree in the Guinean university in Medical Engineering, Communication, Energy and Automatic control fields.

    Both sides discussed the request of the Guinean university to provide Master's and PhD grants in AlexandriaUniversity and cooperation in graduation projects.