Faculty of Economic Studies & Political Science

    Alexandria University takes necessary actions to face the phenomenon of scientific plagiarism

    Prof. Dr. Seddik Abdul Salam; Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research declared that the university began the necessary measures toward its initiative to face and prevent the phenomenon of scientific plagiarism. He clarified that the basic step against this phenomenon is to identify this act and its risks through organizing a series of awareness campaigns and workshops for all concerned parties including faculty members, assisting staff and graduate students.

    Dr. Seddik indicated that 90% of scientific plagiarism cases occur as a result of lack of knowledge about the governing rules and laws. He added that this pilot exercise will be a guide and can be applied in all Egyptian universities.

    This came during the meeting of the Council of Graduate Studies and Research where it was decided to form a committee of experts to take the responsibility of identifying scientific plagiarism and developing the required rules and mechanisms to face this phenomenon. The committee will determine appropriate sanctions for scientific plagiarism and also develop a mandatory course curriculum for and Master’s and PhD students on scientific plagiarism.

    Moreover, Dr. Mostafa Al-Nagar; the Deputy of the Faculty of Science addressed a lecture during the session of the Council on this phenomenon where he reviewed the definition of the problem and its risks and types of scientific plagiarism as well as how to discover and how to avoid it.