Faculty of Economic Studies & Political Science

    Study Program of MSc Introductory Year

    Program of Study of the Introductory Year to the Masters Degree


    The student is required to study eight courses over the period of at least two semesters (no more than 4 courses per semester). Each course is taught over three hours per week. The study program is made up of eight courses (equivalent to 24 credit hours), six of which are compulsory and two are elective.


    First: Masters Degree in Economics:


    First Semester Second Semester
    Advanced Microeconomic Theory Advanced Macroeconomic Theory
    Research Methods and Quantitative Tools Advanced Econometrics
    Economic Planning and Policies Economics and Problems of Development

    Elective Course from:

    - Environmental Economics

    - Monetary and Banking Policies

    - Issues in Islamic Finance

    Elective Course from:

    - Unofficial Economics

    - Welfare Economics

    - Selected Topics in Foreign Trade


    Second: Masters Degree in Political Science:


    The student can choose to study one of the following branches:


    1. Theory of Politics

    2. Political Systems

    3. International Political Relations


    The courses taught in the branch of “Theory of Politics” are as follows:

    First Semester Second Semester
    Research Methods Islamic Political Thought
    Political Theory Arab Political Thought
    History of Political Thought Political Ideologies
    Elective Course Elective Course


    The courses taught in the branch of “Political Systems” are as follows:

    First Semester Second Semester
    Research Methods Comparative Governance Systems
    Comparative Political Theories Democracy and Democratic Transition
    Central Administration and Local Governance Political Development
    Elective Course Elective Course


    The courses taught in the branch of “International Political Relations” are as follows:

    First Semester Second Semester
    Research Methods Theories of International Relations
    General Theory of International Relations Management of International Conflict
    Foreign Policy Analysis International Organization
    Elective Course Elective Course



    The following is a list of the elective courses for the Masters Degree in the Department of Political Science:

    1. Quantitative Analysis in Political Studies

    2. Qualitative Analysis in Political Studies

    3. Human Rights

    4. Political Psychology

    5. International Political Economics

    6. Constitutional and Managerial Law

    7. General International Law

    8. Political Sociology

    9. Politics and Governance in Egypt

    10. Revolutions and Political Change

    11. Political Communication

    12. Public Opinion

    13. Management of Political Conflicts

    14. General Politics

    15. Arab-Israeli Conflict

    16. Intermediary Political Relations

    17. Egyptian Foreign Policy

    18. Foreign Policies of Major Countries

    19. Management of International Crises

    20. Globalization

    21. Environmental Problems and Natural Resources

    22. Politics of Europe and North America

    23. Politics of Africa

    24. Politics of Latin America

    25. Politics of Asia

    26. Politics and Governance in the Middle East


    The student can also choose any of the compulsory courses in the other branches or in the Masters of Economics for his/her elective course in accordance with the recommendations of the academic supervisor and depending on the nature of his/her research.